Collective Procrastination » Historie » Revize 2
Revize 1 (Pícha Petr, 04.04.2018 11:46) → Revize 2/5 (Pícha Petr, 05.04.2018 14:21)
h1. Collective Procrastination h2. General Description * "Collective Procrastination on GitHub": h2. Operationalization h3. Scale * *detection level* ** iteration * *granularity* ** day in iteration * *from* ** iteration start date - if null, end date of previous + 1 day * *to* ** iteration end date - max(due date, last issue closure date) * *ordering* ** chronological h3. Metrics * *iteration duration* ** number of days in iteration ** (end date - start date) + 1 * *issue count* ** number of issues belonging to the iteration * *daily average* ** number of issues to be closed per day on average ** issue count / iteration duration * *date closed count* ** number of issues actually closed on a particular date * *look-behind count* ** number of issues closed in _n1_ days before (and including) given date ** sum(date closed count) since given date - _n1_ days (excluded) until given date (included) * *look-ahead count* ** number of issues closed in _n2_ days after (and excluding) a given date ** sum(date closed count) since given date (excluded) until given date + _n2_ days (included) h3. Detection Thresholds * *silence* ** look-behind count for any day in iteration < _x1_ * issue count * *cliff* ** look-ahead count for and day in iteration < _x2_ * _n2_ * daily h3. Experimental Values * *_n1_* ** number of days for look-behind ** 6 ** justification: big enough to not detect weekends + holidays, small enough to detect anti-pattern on one-week-long iterations * *_n2_* ** number of days for look-ahead ** 3 * *_x1_* ** silence steepness ** 0,1 (10% of overall iteration issues closed in 6 days still counts as silence) * *_x2_* ** cliff steepnes ** 2 (cliff needs to be at least twice as steep as the ideal) h3. Visual Validation * issues burndown (rock-edge or staircase look) * example * contra-example h3. SQL query * source:"Collective Procrastination (for iteration) - SQL.sql"